March 17, 2009

I am the Loris

You have a great job when you are getting paid, even if it's not what the AIG derivatives guys are making, to camp out in Northwestern Cambodia and set rare animals free into their native habitat. Yeah, that is good stuff ... and that is exactly what our friends at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) were doing in late February and early March.

BBA is honored to contribute its time and expertise to WWF as one of our humanitarian partners in Asia. WWF is doing incredibly important work across Asia, but BBA is particularly engaged right now in their efforts in the Mekong region.

This handsome young Loris is literally in the process of leaving his basket to go back into a habitat that should be safe for him to eat well, date voraciously and generally have some fun while surviving in, well, the Jungle.

If you'd like to know more about the World Wildlife Fund and their work in Southeast Asia, please check out their website at

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